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Teach Kids Dental Hygiene with Stuffed Animal with Teeth

When it comes to dental health, it all starts with an oral care regimen we learn at home from a young age. However, parents must deal with quite a few challenges before eventually managing to instill a dedication to brushing and flossing in their children. The most important thing, however, is to set a good…

When it comes to dental health, it all starts with an oral care regimen we learn at home from a young age. However, parents must deal with quite a few challenges before eventually managing to instill a dedication to brushing and flossing in their children. The most important thing, however, is to set a good example for them, and then they will be more likely to follow suit.

But what happens when we run out of energy and ideas, or simply feel like a child isn’t interested enough despite all our efforts? Whatever you do, don’t fall into despair, as there are now aids and methods you can use to make this dental journey as easy as possible for your little ones (and yourself!). One of the great ways to teach kids dental hygiene is by using stuffed animals with teeth to illustrate to them various steps of the oral care routine. So, if you wish to find out more about what dental puppets are and what’s their purpose, delve into the paragraphs below!


What are Dental Plushies?


Dental plushies are usually various stuffed animals with teeth that have proved to be great dental education helpers. They allow us to teach children not only about overall oral hygiene but also about various dental concepts. In a nutshell, these are the puppets designed in a way to show all important surfaces in a mouth, making it easier for parents, caregivers, and pediatric dentists to explain the proper brushing and flossing techniques and other dental concepts. 

But why are dental puppets so appealing to the young ones?


In children’s minds, puppets are associated with playing and games. There are numerous benefits to learning through play. According to one study, using games that include health and hygiene messages can be a great alternative for teaching basic health concepts. And the more positive the experience while learning, the better the chances the children will apply what they learned in real life!


How to Use Stuffed Animals With Teeth


As we already stated above, children love mimicking adults. If they see you brushing, they will want to brush as well! So why not make the entire game out of it? We’re pretty positive that the kids, especially the young ones, will enjoy playing pretend-brushing. For instance, you can encourage them to brush teeth on a stuffed animal or a doll to make them actively participate in the process. You can even offer to assist them to allow them to feel like they’re completely in charge! The truth is you will also have more fun teaching them about dental hygiene this way. Eventually, they will acquire skills essential for developing proper oral hygiene habits while having fun and playing games. 


Dental Puppets Can Help You Reinforce Various Ideas About Dental Health


If you’re having a small child, he or she might not yet be entirely familiar with certain body parts. That said, using a stuffed animal with teeth can help you to reinforce ideas about mouth, teeth, and tongue and help them learn where they are located. If you repeat the concepts often enough, kids will learn to point at them and gain an understanding of their purpose. Then, you can show them proper brushing and flossing steps and ask them to repeat the actions on a puppet to make sure they’ve got everything right


Stuffed Animals With Teeth are Used by Pediatric Dentists


Nowadays, many pediatric dentists use dental puppets with teeth in their everyday practice. They also use tooth costumes, mouth models, and various educational videos in their work because they need to be ready to take the individual approach to every little patient that enters their door. Dental anxiety and fear are pretty much real, and the use of teeth brushing toys for toddlers is a surefire way to kick those nuisances to the curb and help children relax, learn more about correct dental hygiene and be more cooperative in case they require dental treatment.


In Conclusion


Using stuffed animals with teeth can make a great addition to your efforts to teach your kids how to properly perform a dental hygiene routine. It’s no secret that children love toys and would probably be more eager to learn about something they otherwise think of as tedious in an unconventional and fun way. That said, opting for a stuffed animal with teeth could be a great long-term investment in your kid’s dental health that will ensure your kid has fun while mastering brushing and flossing their teeth. 

Do you think that stuffed animals with teeth can be of help while teaching your kids how to brush and floss? Have you already tried using them? How did it turn out? We’d like to hear from you below!

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