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Epic Operation Smile Mission Features Kids Oral Health Ed

For 35 years, Operation Smile has provided transformational surgical care to hundreds of thousands of patients born with cleft lip and/or cleft palate, all for free, all around the world and they focus on kids oral health as well. Not only do they transform the lives of their patients, but they also inspire and change the lives of students that participate in delivering care and education to young audiences, including children’s oral health education.

Encouraged and empowered by Operation Smile Student Programs, youth are changing countless lives through advocacy, leadership, service, and education. We love being part of Operation Smile’s effort to educate and improve the overall health of kids worldwide and how they have integrated kids oral health education into their life changing program.

Classroom Training Helps Staff To Identify Treatment Opportunities

StarSmilez children oral health education

Student, Grace Ford shared her experience with students. She Said that it was a great feeling to make a difference for more than 500 kids and to know that she was helping to teach them the importance of oral health. Together with her StarSmilez, named “Chino” dinosaur, she empowered this young audience to take great care of their smile and focus on their overall health.

For 35 years, Operation Smile has provided transformational surgical care to hundreds of thousands of patients born with cleft lip and/or cleft all for free.

Grace introduced “Chino” to the students and took him through her training sessions. Then gifted him to the middle school as an ever present reminder of their discussions. A central concept was how important it is form good habits and kids oral health to be part of their basis for overall health. After returning from Panama, she promptly added a new StarSmilez to her professional tool kit. As a result, she can continue her“edutainment” sessions wherever she goes.

Students Become Educators and Kids Oral Health Takes Center Stage

Operation Smile’s Student Program empowers young volunteers to make a difference in global health through their support of Operation Smile’s mission; to provide care for children born with cleft conditions. The Panama Peace Mission was a particularly special opportunity for volunteers from Hampton Roads, Virginia, who are entering ninth grade. Each of them participated in training sessions before leaving for Panama where they learned the fundamentals of health care education. In addition to oral hygiene, they learned how to teach these fundamental skills entirely in Spanish. During the mission, the students spread awareness of Operation Smile and kept a watchful eye for potential patients in a number of Panama schools.

Every student –no matter their age, no matter their country –has incredible potential. That’s why Operation Smile has a department especially focused on engaging, encouraging and mentoring the next generation of global health leaders and innovators all the while contributing to kids oral health worldwide. In addition to making the world a better place, these students, many on a path to careers in medicine or science, are making themselves stronger, too.

Operation Smile Student Programs and StarSmilez believe in the power of youth to create a more compassionate world. Through club involvement, programs, and events, Operation Smile trains students to serve and support others who have limited access to medical care. Our sincere thanks to all of their students. You made the Panama Peace Mission an incredible success. Above all, you are making the world a better place. Check out their student program here.

StarSmilez Giving with Operation Smile

StarSmilez has been partnering with health charities for over 25 years where giving to improve community health is part of our ethos. Our partners provide services such has health education, checkups, distribution of medical supplies, medicine and vaccines, along with treatment and surgeries. We are honored to be part of Operation Smile’s Panama initiative and their Student Program. StarSmilez customers continue to be a driving force, changing lives and improving children’s health for millions of children every year.

Go – Be Bold! Have fun and teach others! Know about a cool health charity? Tell us about them here

These are oral health discussions that are changing lives. Contact us, and tell us your story.

Plus you can get “Chino’s” AKA Magi Dragon’s kit here free

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