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4 Things To Do to Teach Your Children Good Dental Habits

Monkey see, monkey do.  From Day 1, kids mimick what they see.  And since they’re around mostly the family for the first few years, it’s only natural that they pick up on your habits — the way you walk, the facial movements you make, and even the occasional curse word you let slip.  So why…

Monkey see, monkey do.  From Day 1, kids mimick what they see.  And since they’re around mostly the family for the first few years, it’s only natural that they pick up on your habits — the way you walk, the facial movements you make, and even the occasional curse word you let slip.  So why not give them a good habit to adopt?

By showing your child that you value and care for your teeth, they’ll learn to do the same. Here are 4 things you can do to help pass along your healthy dental care routine:

  1. Create a brushing routine together.

Just because your child is old enough to put on their own pajamas, doesn’t mean you should leave the entire brushing routine up to them! Make it a family activity.  When you brush together, your child can mimic your brushing habits and learn not to cut any corners!

Brush together

  1. Choose the right brushing tools.

Choose the tools that are going help make dental care comfortable and enjoyable for your kids.  For a  child, their toothbrush should be soft-bristled and small enough to fit comfortably inside their mouth, and they shouldn’t use fluoridated toothpaste until they are old enough to spit it out. Keeping these parameters in mind, let your child choose their own toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, and mouthwash.  It might not seem like a big deal to you (after all, us moms have no shame eating Scooby Doo shaped macaroni, right?), but to your child it could make all the difference.

Choose the right tools

  1. Establish healthy eating habits.

Nothing fights tooth decay like eating the right foods. There are even some cases where people have never brushed their teeth, but because of their diet, they’ve never had a cavity.  When you eat, bacteria in your mouth feed on the sugar from the food and create a byproduct of acid.  This acid then strips your tooth enamel and causes decay.  In addition to giving your child lots of calcium to build strong teeth, make sure to keep sweet treats and desserts to a minimum.

 Establish Healthy Eating Habits

  1. Find a great pediatric dentist.

Pediatric dentists are specially trained to treat younger patients.  And as an added bonus, they’ll have cooler waiting rooms and office décor to entertain the kids! Choose a dentist that makes your child feel comfortable and provides a positive experience.



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