Can Dentists Toys Make Your Dental Office More Kid-Friendly?

Can Dentists Toys Make Your Dental Office More Kid-Friendly?

Luckily for everyone, long gone are the days when dental offices were cold, dark, and sterile places everyone dreaded, especially the children. This is great news for all parents out there who are still hesitant to bring their little ones to the dentist, fearing it might end in tears and drama.

Can Dentists Toys Make Your Dental Office More Kid-Friendly?

Nowadays, there are many ways dentists make their offices more inviting to children, and the widespread use of toys is certainly one of them. However, equipping your facilities with toys that are specifically designed for pediatric patients might seem like a demanding task, especially if you’re seeing a lot of other patients every day and don’t have time to think it through. That’s why we decided to help you by discussing the ways these toys can help you with your everyday challenges, how to choose them, and how to make your office even more kid-friendly in the paragraphs below!


What are Dentist Toys?


If you’re a pediatric dentist, it’s your goal to cater to the youngest patients, making sure they get the best possible experience. Opting for dentist toys can prove to be crucial in that sense. These are specially designed items that allow better interaction between dentists and patients. They serve as a perfect distraction to children who suffer from some form of dental fear and anxiety that mostly stems from fear of the unknown. 


Dentist toys come in all shapes and sizes and can include anything from dentist puppets, stickers, balloons, therapeutic and educational toys, as well as many others. These items have a single goal – to create a playful environment for children and make them feel more at home during their visit.


The Many Benefits of Dentist Toys


Opting for dentist toys surely is a great way to help children relax and become more willing to go through the appointment. For instance, you can significantly improve your waiting room by simply adding a few elements that will keep children’s minds off of the upcoming treatment. These can include various books, cube puzzles, and kids’ magazines. Having a sort of an activity table there is another great option, too, as these are also popular among children.

But it’s not all about the toys. The proper setting where you will place those toys also plays an important role! According to one research that tackled children’s perception of their dentist, 63% of the kids said that they preferred a decorated dental clinic over a plain clinic.


That said, definitely consider decorating the hallways, treatment room, and waiting room with proper accessories. It can include anything from pictures of smiling kids (ask parents for permission in case you want to hang the pictures of your patients!), sprucing up the walls with a fresh coat of bright paint to make the space visually appealing, or picking posters, murals, and other kid-oriented decorations.

You can also install TV screens and play age-appropriate movies or TV shows, or even offer portable gaming consoles to kids while they wait. Even though not necessarily deemed as dentist toys, these are also worthy distraction tools that can help children relax and prepare for the appointment better. You should also let them choose their favorite program, thus allowing them to feel more in control during the appointment.


When it comes to the treatment room itself, you can put some sort of a prize box or a “treasure chest” in a visible spot. This box can contain small, dental-themed rewards to encourage kids to patiently go through the procedure. Having a prize in mind will allow them to be more focused and cooperative during their appointment. The prize can be a small toy, a sticker, or a new toothbrush.


However, toys and decorations can’t replace the kind word and positive attitude but rather complement it. You should continue to nurture communication both with your patients and their parents. Only then will you be able to address their needs in the best possible way!




Dental toys can surely make your dental office more child-friendly, especially if you’re looking for ways to improve your office by making it more appealing to the youngest patients. Remember, if you manage to convince kids that the dental office can be a fun place, they will be more likely to return to your office. Also, if you manage to develop a relationship with them while they are still young, you will keep them for a long, long time. And this can help you build your brand and improve your business in the long run.

Do you think that dentist toys can make dental offices more kid-friendly? What’s your experience with using them so far? We’d really like to hear from you in the comment section below!

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